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Who Needs A New Hula Hoop? I Do! I Do!


Benefits Of Using A Hula Hoop

Hula hooping is a great way to get some exercise, and it can be a lot of fun too. Here are some benefits of using a hula hoop:

1. Can help you lose weight.

2. Can help tone your muscles.

3. Can improve your coordination.

4. Can give you a great cardio workout.

5. Is a low-impact form of exercise, so it’s easy on your joints.

6. Is a great way to relieve stress and have fun at the same time.

7. Did I mention it is just so much FUN???


My daughter is the QUEEN of the hula hoop. She is OBSESSED with the activity and when we received one from ‘Tail Spin Hoops‘ she just about lost her marbles. I’m pretty sure if I went into the living room right now I’d find her hula hooping. The girl was born in the wrong era I tell ya!


The combinations are limitless as you can customize your own design and they come in two sizes (standard and professional). Natalie is using the professional one even though I thought it was too big for her body.

For those of you who are into exercising – hula hooping for 30 minutes will burn an average of 200 calories! So you can actually work out and have fun all at the same time. Get the kids involved and make it a friendly competition.

How To Incorporate Hula Hooping Into Your Exercise Routine

Here are some tips on how to incorporate hula hooping into your exercise routine:

1. Start off slow. If you’re new to hula hooping, start with just a few minutes at a time. You can gradually increase the amount of time you spend hula hooping as you get more comfortable with it.

2. Use a weighted hula hoop. A weighted hula hoop can help you burn more calories and tone your muscles more effectively.

3. Get creative. There are endless ways to use a hula hoop in your workout routine. Get creative and have fun with it!

4. Don’t be discouraged if you fall down. It takes practice to master hula hooping. If you fall down, just get back up and try again.

5. Be sure to warm up and cool down. As with any type of exercise, be sure to warm up your muscles before hula hooping, and cool down afterwards.

With a little practice, hula hooping can be a great way to add some fun and variety to your workout routine. Give it a try today!


Wednesday 26th of May 2010

This thing is giant !!!


Wednesday 26th of May 2010

love the silly bandz !!! lol I loved hoola hoop when I was her age !!!

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