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Signs An Emotionally Unavailable Man Is In Love With You

It isn’t easy being in a serious relationship with emotionally unavailable men. A healthy relationship involves two partners that are willing to do whatever it takes to make the relationship work.

There are red flags to look out for that will let you know you are dating a man that will never be able to commit. But fear not! An emotionally unavailable guy can turn his life around and lean into his romantic relationships. It just takes a bit of time.

Signs An Emotionally Unavailable Man Is In Love With You

Define an unemotionally available partner:

An emotionally unavailable partner is someone who has difficulty or struggles to fully engage emotionally in a relationship. They may have barriers or defenses that prevent them from forming deep emotional connections or expressing their feelings openly and honestly. Here are some characteristics commonly associated with an emotionally unavailable partner:

  1. Limited emotional expression: They may have difficulty expressing their emotions or struggle to communicate their feelings effectively. They may appear detached, distant, or reserved when it comes to emotional matters.
  2. Avoidance of intimacy: They may avoid or resist emotional intimacy and vulnerability. They may keep their walls up and find it challenging to let others in on a deep emotional level.
  3. Difficulty in sharing personal information: They may be reluctant to share personal details about their life, history, or experiences. They may be guarded and prefer to keep certain aspects of themselves private.
  4. Inconsistent or unpredictable behavior: They may exhibit inconsistent or unpredictable behavior in the relationship. They might alternate between moments of warmth and connection and periods of emotional withdrawal or distancing.
  5. Fear of commitment: They may have an aversion to commitment or struggle with long-term relationship plans. The idea of being emotionally tied or responsible to another person may cause discomfort or anxiety.
  6. Prioritization of independence: They may prioritize their own independence and personal space over emotional connection or the needs of the relationship. They may resist relying on or depending on their partner emotionally.
  7. Difficulty in handling emotions: They may struggle to handle their own emotions or may be uncomfortable dealing with intense emotional situations in the relationship. This can lead to avoidance, defensiveness, or shutting down emotionally.

Past relationships, mental health issues, and childhood trauma are other factors that could hinder a romantic partner from being able to plug into their own feelings. The best thing to do is acknowledge the emotional pain these men are still holding onto and register that they are just human beings unable to work through their own needs. 

unavailable man

10 signs an emotionally unavailable man is in love with you

While it is challenging to make definitive statements about an emotionally unavailable person’s feelings, here are ten potential signs that an emotionally unavailable man may be in love with you:

  1. Increased Vulnerability: An emotionally unavailable man may open up more, allowing you to see his vulnerable side. He might share personal stories, fears, or struggles that he wouldn’t typically disclose.
  2. Genuine Interest: He displays a sincere interest in your life, goals, and dreams. He listens attentively, remembers details, and engages in meaningful conversations, demonstrating that he values you and wants to understand you better.
  3. Prioritization: Despite his emotional unavailability, he prioritizes spending time with you. He actively seeks opportunities to be around you and may rearrange his schedule to accommodate your plans.
  4. Effort to Connect: He actively tries to connect with you on a deeper level. This could involve initiating conversations about emotions, showing empathy, and understanding your feelings.
  5. Intimacy: He becomes more comfortable with physical intimacy, such as hugging, holding hands, or cuddling. While it may take time for him to fully embrace intimacy, he is willing to explore this aspect of the relationship.
  6. Supportive Behavior: An emotionally unavailable man in love may exhibit supportive behavior. He offers assistance when needed, shows up during challenging times, and genuinely wants to help you through difficulties.
  7. Future Planning: He starts discussing the future, including making plans with you. This could involve discussing shared goals, imagining a future together, or including you in his long-term plans.
  8. Increased Communication: There is an improvement in communication patterns. He becomes more responsive, initiates contact more frequently, and shows a desire to stay connected and involved in your life.
  9. Jealousy or Protectiveness: While excessive jealousy is not healthy, an emotionally unavailable man who is in love may show a degree of protectiveness over you. He may feel uneasy when you spend time with other men or express concern about your safety.
  10. Consistent Effort: He consistently puts effort into the relationship, demonstrating his commitment to making it work. He actively works to overcome his emotional unavailability and is willing to grow and improve as a partner.

Communication and understanding are essential in any relationship, so it’s important to have open conversations about emotions, needs, and expectations to ensure a healthy and fulfilling connection.

A real relationship is filled with honest moments and strong feelings. If you have days where you have strong emotional bonds with your man, then that is a great sign! 

It is possible for this type of guy to fall in love. It just takes a little bit of time. 

Who is an emotionally unavailable man?

An emotionally unavailable man struggles to form or maintain emotional connections in relationships. They may find it difficult to express or share their emotions, and they often keep their true feelings guarded or hidden. This emotional unavailability can manifest in various ways, such as:

  1. Difficulty expressing emotions: They may have difficulty articulating their feelings or struggle to connect with and understand their own emotions.
  2. Fear of intimacy: They may fear getting too close to others or becoming vulnerable in a relationship. This fear can stem from past experiences, trauma, or general discomfort with emotional intimacy.
  3. Avoidance of deep conversations: They may avoid discussing personal or emotional topics, deflecting or changing the subject when conversations become too intimate or intense.
  4. Inconsistent or unpredictable behavior: They may tend to be hot and cold in relationships, showing affection one moment and withdrawing emotionally the next.
  5. Prioritizing independence: They may value their independence and personal space above emotional connection and intimacy. They may resist or feel suffocated by attempts to deepen the emotional bond.
  6. Difficulty with commitment: They may shy away from a long-term relationship or struggle to fully invest emotionally in a partnership.

It’s important to note that emotional unavailability is not limited to men and can be present in individuals of any gender. Additionally, emotional unavailability can vary in degrees and may be influenced by various factors, including personal history, attachment style, and individual personality traits.

red flags relationship

Should I really wait for unavailable men to fall in love with me?

It is possible for an emotionally unavailable man to open up and fall in love. While emotional unavailability can present challenges in forming deep emotional connections, it doesn’t mean that a person is incapable of change or growth.

People can evolve and develop their emotional capacity over time, especially when they become aware of their emotional unavailability and actively work on addressing it. Through self-reflection, therapy, or personal development efforts, an emotionally unavailable man can learn to identify and understand his emotions, become more comfortable expressing them, and develop healthier patterns of emotional connection.

However, it’s important to note that becoming more emotionally available and learning to love deeply can take time. It requires self-awareness, effort, and a willingness to confront and address any underlying issues contributing to emotional unavailability.

It’s also crucial for both partners in the relationship to communicate openly, support each other’s emotional growth, and be patient throughout the journey. Ultimately, emotionally unavailable individuals can learn to open up and fall in love, but it requires a commitment to personal growth and a supportive environment that fosters emotional connection and vulnerability.

Finally, it isn’t easy to choose the type of man you fall in love with. Your best friend can suddenly become your love interest overnight. Make sure you are keeping your emotional needs a priority and spend as much time as you need creating a safe space to protect your peace.

Have serious conversations with your social circle and determine whether or not it is worth your time to go after the kind of guy you think can give you real love. It’s good to get other people’s perspectives when dealing with emotional issues and an emotionally distant man.


Friday 15th of April 2011

Wow that is just really strange and sad.


Thursday 14th of April 2011

She very could have been senile and/or lying. At the movie theater I had an older woman (70's or 80's) tell me all about what it was like to be on the Titanic. That she was survivor. I don't think so lady.


Thursday 14th of April 2011

You know, usually with age comes wisdom...but evidently not always. That's sad :(

On a similar note, I took a speech class that was a little unconventional. We had to do skits and speeches...and all kinds of things in front of the group. Our very last speech was one that was show and tell, seriously! We were told to end the class by bringing in items who showed everyone who we were as people. I remember bringing in pictures of my dog...a knick-knack/statue I had from a relative since I was a baby...basically things that were sentimental. Things to do w/family. EVERYONE did the same exact thing except for one woman. She had moved here from another country and married a wealthy man. She stood up w/a binder she had made showing all her letters from credit card companies and photos of her huge house and fancy cars. It actually made me feel sad and empty.


Wednesday 13th of April 2011

Wow, that's just sad. She can't even carry out a normal conversation with a fellow traveler. So odd!


Wednesday 13th of April 2011

most of the time those who brag about it don't have it. LOL

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