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Will You Join ‘The Mom Challenge’? Please “Like” This New Facebook Page

Earlier this week, I co-hosted a Twitter party for ‘Simply Orange’. The topic was “Simple Steps to a Better You’. Basically, we all began to talk about the little things we should do in order to take better care of ourselves.

At first, it was fun. I always love to read what people say during these events. But as I kept reading, I began to feel sad. Not only because I completely understood 95% of what was being said, but also because there were so many answers. They just kept coming. The stream was flooded with:

  • I shouldn’t be so hard on myself about the weight I gained after having my son.
  • I should focus on myself more.
  • I should finish school.
  • I should take up my hobby I dropped when I got pregnant.
  • I should go on more dates with my husband.

Man  – it hit me like a ton of bricks. I literally started to cry uncontrollably. So many of us are doing the same thing. We are pushed so far down on our own lists that it’s just… sad. THIS is why my partner Audrey and I started Getting Gorgeous. We wanted to remind moms that it was OK to treat themselves every now and then.

Consider this an extension of that brand. I don’t want to inundate that Fan Page will daily challenges – because not everyone would want to see it. However, it’s really the same vein.

We are moms. YES. And it’s the GREATEST JOB ON THE PLANET – but that doesn’t mean I have to stop being myself and stop taking care of myself, right?

So, I thought it would be nice to have a place where we can support one another and encourage one another to take care of ourselves.

I don’t want to commit to a full blown website yet, because quite frankly I don’t have it in me. But a Facebook Fan Page I can do!

Once a day, I’m going to post a task – a challenge if you will – and you have the choice to do it or to ignore it. But at least I know that seeing that status update will get you thinking of yourself.

Sometimes, it will be “get a manicure”. Other times it will be ” take a bath”. And maybe I’ll even throw in a “take a yoga class” every now and then. You pick and choose how much you want to participate. I would LOVE for you to join me.

RookieMom Heather

Sunday 21st of August 2011

Hi Vera, Great idea and I'm in. On we are running 52 weekly challenges to help moms get out of the house and have more fun their first year of motherhood... but we need this kind of inspiration all the time, right?

Sarah Peppel

Sunday 21st of August 2011

What a fun thing! You two are always coming up with the coolest ideas!! ;)

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