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How Do You Get Your Kids To Eat Healthy Food? (Plus Enter To Win A $500 Spa Day!)

I have to admit – this is a really easy one for me to answer. There is really only one thing to do – lead by example. Our children are basically mirror images of ourselves. If I’m eating right and bringing home healthy choices to my family, they will in turn learn to live and love those options.

It’s very easy to forget how HORRIBLE fast food is for you because when those days come that just drain the life right out of our souls, it’s an easy alternative to slaving over a hot stove. I’ve been there. You’ve been there. It’s a reality of life. But even those fast food nights are adjusted to be as healthy as possible in my household.

For example, on occasion, my family eats McDonalds. However, we opt for plain milk as their drink and split a small fry and a side of fruit between then. Basically, they are getting about 10 fries each and a half an apple as their side.

I know there is a huge push to HIDE the veggies in our food – and while it does serve a purpose – I do believe that there’s an injustice happening when we do something like that. Why not just get your kids used to eating carrots and broccoli as is?

My kids GO NUTS for broccoli. And when I spray some lemon over it… it’s like I just offered them a candy apple. Their eyes light up because they TRULY love the flavor. It’s just something they’ve gotten used to over the years.

Artichokes too. My daughter BEGS me to make her artichokes. Here’s my grandmother’s recipe in case you want to make it at home for your little ones.

We also  make sure that our children don’t spend the entire day sipping on sugary drinks. Juice is great… but only on occasion and we ALWAYS dilute it. Milk is a big staple in my household – we are always stocked up on Horizon milk boxes. I have a mini-wine fridge and my kids know where to go when they are thirsty. They help themselves to one of these and I feel good about giving them extra calcium.

On Sundays, our tradition is to get Starbucks and bagels. On that morning, my kids are allowed to choose either a vanilla or a chocolate flavored Horizon Milk as a treat.

Share how you get your kids to eat healthy food below for a chance to win a $500 Mom’s Getaway Spa Day from BlogFrog!

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Horizon.  The opinions expressed by me do not necessarily reflect the view of the Horizon Organic brand. 

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