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My Poor Dog…


My little ones are 10 years old. We bought them a few months after Bill and I got married. Well, so many issues are starting to pop up. One of Jill’s eyes is going blind, she lost SO many of her front teeth which makes it hard to eat (and to keep her tongue in her mouth), and now this growth on her leg keeps returning.

We took them to the vet last night because we thought Jack had pink eye (no seriously) and then they cut off the growth on Jill. Shaved the area – poor little thing.

They’re not babies anymore. This was bound to happen… but I’m just not ready for it.


Friday 20th of January 2012

This is awful. I know because we had a white standard poodle, Jack, and he was having lots of problems walking. On Jan 6th, a few weeks ago, he couldn't walk or get up and we had to put him down. Horrible horrible. We miss him so much. It was hard to see him in such bad shape and never knowing how long, what day, how , he would probably have to be put down. So sorry. I feel your pain and know how hard it is to see your pet this way.

Kelly J. R.

Thursday 19th of January 2012

Sorry to hear your dogs are not doing well. As a fellow dog-lover, I know what a special part dogs play in our families.


Thursday 19th of January 2012

Sorry to hear. My hubby & I lost our cat who was 16 last spring. It was our first animal together. It was really devastating. It's been 9 months now and we decided to get a puppy who was born a month ago. So we are happily awaiting our next adventure with this little guy. Good luck!!

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