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How To Look Thinner

There are a few simple tricks that you can do to help you figure out how to look thinner in a matter of minutes. You don’t need to worry about any fad diets or extreme trends. In fact, it’s all about what you wear.

How To look Thinner

I know this because I do it all the time. I work with my wardrobe to accentuate the best parts of my body and to hide areas that I am not comfortable with. 

Every woman has different pain points. I might hate my thighs, but you might love your curves. In the end, we all have to figure out what will work best with our body shapes.

simple ways to dress thinner

But one thing is clear, these fashion tips will help you discover how you can look thinner without any exercise or dieting required. All you have to do is look inside your wardrobe closet and curate a look that will suit your need. 

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 Tips On What To Wear to look skinnier

How To Look Thinner

There’s a party with your name on it tonight and you still don’t know what to wear.  It’s not because you don’t have enough clothes since we all know your closet is stuffed to the rim. It’s because you just don’t feel comfortable in anything right now.

You aren’t feeling your best. Maybe you’re a few pounds over your ideal weight. Maybe you’re in your head. Maybe you had a bad time at work.

In the end, it’s all about confidence. Confidence can make or break any outfit. That is rule number one. But that is also another post entirely. Today, we are focusing on how to look thinner by using a few wardrobe tricks.

Wearing black is slimming

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Here’s a simple rule you can follow that you will never forget –  Wear the same dark color throughout your entire outfit. Preferably black. So, what I am telling you is to wear head to toe black. I’m from NYC.

So, literally, this is a non-issue for me. I can wear black morning, noon, and night. I can wear it during the summer and winter. I can wear black to a wedding and to a christening.  I absolutely think it’s perfect for every occasion. Black is slimming a super versatile. Black is your new BFF. 

Wearing black is slimming

Black Kimball Sweater // Black Tunic Sweater // Black Maxi Summer Dress

You could wear all white or all beige… I SUPPOSE. But you might start to notice things on your body if you do. Black BLENDS. Trust me. Just trust me.

Start here and when your confidence gets to a better state, then move onto exploring different colors. If you are reading this post, then you need all black right now. Small steps my fashionable, little butterfly. 

choosing all black pieces from your wardrobe

Black Wool Peacoat // Black Drape Front Blouse // Black Free People Summer Stretch Dress 

Why Should I Wear All Black?

When you wear different colors, the eye is able to differentiate regions and typically settles somewhere in the middle of your body. That’s where the color divides right — a red shirt with jeans. The split happens around the waist.

When you wear all one color – there’s nothing DRAWING a wandering eye in. So people tend to focus on the area that’s different – which would be your face!

You want people to focus on your beautiful face when you are feeling overweight. You want people to focus on your eyes and your lips and those fabulous cheekbones.

You want people to notice how great your hair is when you are self-conscious about some extra weight that you are carrying. So, control where their eyes are going while you are with them. It’s like fashion mind control voodoo. 

It’s a really easy tip and one that I use often.

Black Blazer // Long Black Cardigan // Black Cami // Spanx Jean-ish Jeggings

I Don’t Want To Wear Black! 

Lady, if you don’t want to wear black, then we need to talk about fit. Fit over trend. Any day of the year. You have to go out and find a store that has someone who can help you find clothes that fit your new body and make sure that the clothes fit you perfectly.

Nothing too snug and nothing that drapes too much. Because guess what?! That’s a HUGE issue that people do when they are feeling overweight – they hide behind clothes that are TOO BIG for them.

You need to truly focus on finding clothes that are the right size and make you feel great. 

Stay away from trends and crazy looks. Look towards classic pieces. Buy items that have bones – nothing too flimsy. You need structure and build. You need support. 

Speaking Of Support… 

Don’t be afraid to wear undergarments that lift, tug, and snug. You know what I’m talking about. There’s no shame in that game and I am all for it! 

layering makes you look thinner

Don’t Be Afraid To Layer

I’m also someone that loves to add on different layers. My problem area is my hip region. So, I tend to wear skinny jeans, a long shirt (that covers part of my hips) and then a cardigan or a blazer. This leaves my long legs out for viewing.

People usually comment on how tall I am or how skinny my legs are. HA! All of my weight is in the middle of my body. I hover between an 8 and a 10. Most days it’s a 10, but I don’t look like I’m a 10. I Iook more like a 6. It’s all about the way you dress. 

So, are you going to give this idea a shot? How to look thinner is easier than you think! To check out all my outfit breakdowns, click here. This link will take you to my LikeToKnowIt account. 

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