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Home Sweet Home – And A New Nebulizer

It’s over. We are home. Liam is doing great. Unfortunately, the hospital is pegging him as someone with asthma. We are going to see our doctor tomorrow and will get more information. They have him on preventative medication twice a day…. forever. Plus the regular medication for this current incident / issue. Plus steroids. Plus medication for walking pneumonia.

Hey – at least he’s home and back to normal.

What a week.

🙂 Going to bed. LOL!


Thursday 24th of February 2011

Glad he's home! I'm nearly 22 and have just been told I have asthma, stemed from bronchitis that wasn't properly treated by dr's last year, plus it also runs in my family.

Hope he gets better soon!


Wednesday 23rd of February 2011

Our 4YO has been through the same. Like Ellen, they gave us a nebulizer to take home, which has really helped us a lot. Each year his lungs have gotten stronger and he's had fewer attacks. The doctors do say it is something kids frequently grow out of - so hopefully that will be the case for your guy.

Hannah - they give little kids steroids to help their lungs get strong enough to withstand whatever respiratory stress they are under. They only administer liquid steroids if your child is in a great deal of respiratory distress.


Wednesday 23rd of February 2011

I'm so glad he's back home! Maybe someone can explain this to me, but steroids for a little boy totally shocked me?

Ellen Christian

Wednesday 23rd of February 2011

I'm glad he's doing better now. My daughter was diagnosed with asthma at his age. She's 17 now. See if they'll give you a nebulizer to keep at home. They can write a prescription for one. After several trips to the ER in the middle of the night, having our own makes it much easier.


Tuesday 22nd of February 2011

If you have any doubts of them marking him as a kid with asthma make an appointment with a pediatric allergist because doctors pegged me as an asmatic but it turned out i was mis diagnosed and i really had allergies and sinus problems. While not all cases are the same its better to cover all bases. Hope he gets better soon.

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