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Lou & Grey Heart Sweater: Today’s Obsession

Yes, I know we are down to the wire here…  but I am still looking for fun Valentine’s Day ideas for you. I am not the type of person who typically goes all out on a holiday… but this sweater is ADORABLE and you can truly wear it all year long. It wouldn’t just be for February.  The price tag is a little high and out of range for my “Today’s Obsession” posts, but I think this Lou & Grey Heart Sweater is worth it. For under $80, you can get a lot of wear out of this cozy piece and once you get tired of wearing it outside while running around with friends, you can turn it into a house shirt that will bring you joy for years to come.


I think my daughter would even want to do a matchy-matchy look with me on the big day.  If you have a tween or early teen,  you could put together a little house party for the family and have all the females in the same sweater.  Too cute!

What do you typically do on Valentine’s Day?  It’s been a few years since we’ve gone out. We usually order in, overeat, and rent a movie with the kids. The best kind of love.

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